Training: XSLT
Duration: 3 Days
Contact: Siddhesh Nikude
Inquire via E-Mail
Phone: +91-95-52572354
Available Languages
- English
Software Developers, Web Developers with some experience in XML.
Attendees should be familiar with programming in general and with XML.
Learn how to use the XSLT programming language to transform XML documents.
- History of XSLT, Differences to CSS and DSSSL
- Associating XSLT stylesheets with XML documents
- Basic structure of an XSLT 3.0 transformation stylesheet
- Differences from XSLT 2.0 and XSLT 1.0
- XPath 3.1 Syntax
- Type System
- Tests
- Steps
- Differences from XPath 3.0, XPath 2.0 and XPath 1.0
- XPath 3.1 Functions and Operators
- Numeric
- String
- Boolean
- Duration, Date and Time
- QName
- Binary
- Node
- Sequence
- Context functions
- Higher-order functions
- Maps and Arrays
- Modular XSLT - Importing and Including Stylesheets, Packages
- Functions and Named Templates
- Parameters and Variables
- Multiple Input Documents
- Multiple Output Documents
- Formats
- Sorting
- Conditionals
- Repetition
- Serialization
- Controlling output attributes (doctype, encoding etc.)
- Output Methods:
- Streaming, Merging, Accumulators; Streamability of elements
- Key Examples
- Identity Transformation
- Generating a Table of Contents in XHTML
- Converting XML data to a sorted XHTML table
The XSLT processors used in this training are:
- Saxon-HE 10-2 (released 2020-08-26) (in-house with license: Saxon-EE 10.2)
- Gnome xsltproc (libxslt 1.1.34 / libxml2 2.9.10)
- Apache Xalan-Java 2.7.2
- Apache Xalan-C 1.11.0 (on request)