Training: Test-Driven Development in C#
Duration: 3 Days
Contact: Siddhesh Nikude
Inquire via E-Mail
Phone: +91-95-52572354
Available Languages
- English
- German
Software Crafters, Software Developers, Software Testers, XP Coaches.
Solid knowledge of the C# programming language and its build tools like MSBuild or Cake.
Learn the benefits, mechanics, and nuts and bolts of developing software using Test-Driven Development.
Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a software development practice from Extreme Programming (XP) and Software Craft. TDD increases code coverage, leads to fast tests, and supports continuous refactoring and continuous design improvement. Some benefits of TDD include developing faster with fewer errors, reducing debug time, lean development, better design, quick feedback, and eliminating fear for continuous refactoring. Last but not least, TDD drives decoupled and thus better quality software architecture.
- Software Architecture Fundamentals for TDD
- What is "agile"? What is agility?
- The Two Values of Software
- The ATP-Trinity of project code
- The Importance Priorities: Automation > Test > Production
- The five major design smells
- Cohesion and Coupling
- What is "testable" and how is it related to maintainability / Clean Code?
- Test Automation Pyramid
- TDD in the context of Agile and XP
- The 4 Rules of Simple Design
- Unit Testing fundamentals
- The job of and work split between test frameworks
- Anatomy of xUnit frameworks
- NUnit, xUnit, MSTest
- The Single-Assert Rule
- TDD fundamentals
- The Three Laws of Test-Driven Development
- The Red-Green-Refactor Cycle
- The FAIR/FIRST principles
- How to Start
- ZOMBIES - Zero One Many Boundaries Interfaces Exceptions Simplicity
- Test Doubles (Stubbing and Mocking)
- The Ontology of Test Doubles
- The Two Schools of TDD: Stateism ("Chicago School") vs Mockism ("London School")
- Outside-in vs Inside-out
- Mocking, Coupling, and Isolation
- Working with Moq
- Avoiding tautological tests
- The "Untestables" (Singletons and side-effects)
- BDD - Behavior Driven Development
- 3 Amigos
- Specification by Example
- Gherkin
- SpecFlow
- Unit Testing vs Acceptance Testing
- Given-When-Then vs 4 A's
- Intermediate TDD
- TPP - Transformation Priority Premise
- Transformation vs Refactoring
- Starting Points
- The Sequence for Tests
- TCR - test && commit || revert
- NHamcrest Matchers
- ATDD - Acceptance Test-Driven Development
- Test Automation Pyramid
- Using BDD on different layers
- Outlook: Acceptance Test Step Definitions with Selenium and Appium
- Integration Test Step Definitions with HTTP client
- Unit Test Step Definitions
- TDD for Legacy Code
- Legacy Code Change Matrix
- Refactoring
- Characterization Testing
- TDD and Dependency Injection Frameworks
- .Net Core
- MSTest, NUnit, xUnit
- SpecFlow
- TDD Anti-Patterns
- The Liar
- The Loudmouth
- Excessive Setup
- The Secret Catcher
- The Giant
- The Hidden Dependency
- The Mockery
- The Stranger
- Generous Leftovers
- Success Against All Odds
- Local Hero
- The Slow Poke
- The Sequencer
- The Enumerator
- The Greedy Catcher
- The Dodger
- The Nitpicker
- The Inspector
- The OS evangelist
- The Free Ride
- The Peeping Tom
- Outlook
- Test Architecture
- Working Effectively with Legacy Code
- How to migrate Test-Last to Test-First
- Characterization Testing
- TDD and the SOLID principles
- TDD and Agile Development (Scrum, XP, Kanban, Lean)
- TDD and Software Craftsmanship
- TDD and Pair Programming - Ping Pong
- TDD and Mob/Ensemble Programming
- TDD and Continuous Integration / Trunk-Based Development
- TDD and Continuous Delivery / DevOps
- What Shifting Testing Left means
- Property-based Testing
Examples and exercises range from simple problem statements like a leap year function to test-driving legacy code with the ExpenseReport legacy code refactoring kata.
The course uses C# 12, .NET 8.0.7, MSTest 3.5.0, NUnit 4.1.0, and xUnit 2.9.0. The recommended IDE is Rider; VSCode is supported as well. The course will be upgraded to C# 13 and .NET 9.0 in November 2024 with the expected releases of C# 13 and .NET 9.0.
The course language is C#. Nelkinda also offers this course in other languages, for example, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python, Swift, and TypeScript.
Event Type
This is a 3 full days open (anyone can register) instructor-led classroom training about Test-Driven Development in C#. The number of seats is limited to ensure the best quality training for the participants. The course fee includes snacks and lunch.
Your trainer for this event is Christian Hujer.
Christian Hujer has 21 years of experience in TDD and 25 years of experience in Java. He's been training developers and teams for organizations like BNP Paribas, Elsevier, Ford, Giesecke & Devrient, Nokia, SUN Microsystems, UBS, Volkswagen, and many others.