Training: Docker Swarm
Duration: 3 Days
Contact: Siddhesh Nikude
Inquire via E-Mail
Phone: +91-95-52572354
Available Languages
- English
- German
Software Developers, Architects and Deployment Engineers.
Docker and Container basic knowledge.
To learn Docker Swarm mode and its working.
- Docker Introduction
- What is Docker?
- Why Docker?
- Installing Docker
- Containers
- Containers vs Virtual Machines
- Container vs Images
- Docker Architecture
- The Docker Daemon
- The Docker Client
- Docker Registries
- Docker Objects
- Images
- Containers
- Services
- Running Containers
- Building Images
- Persistent Data Storage
- Docker Compose
- Docker Networking
- Docker Swarm Introduction
- Introduction
- Architecture and Terminology
- Filtering and Scheduling
- Swarm Mode Features
- Docker Swarm Mode Key Concepts
- Nodes
- Services and Tasks
- Load Balancing
- Concepts - Manager and Workers
- Swarm Mode Working
- Initializing Swarm
- How Nodes Work?
- Join Nodes in Swarm
- Manage Nodes in Swarm
- Run Docker in Swarm Mode
- How Services Work?
- Deploy Services to a Swarm
- Overlay Network
- Service Discovery
- Routing Mesh
- Docker Services
- Performing Rolling Updates
- Docker Logs
- Docker Stacks
- Docker Secrets
- Partitioning / Node Labeling
- Node Management
- Swarm Mode CLI Commands
- Troubleshooting
- Securing the Docker Engine / Swarm
- Manage Swarm Security
- Example Demonstration