Training: Docker Compose
Duration: 2 Days
Contact: Siddhesh Nikude
Inquire via E-Mail
Phone: +91-95-52572354
Available Languages
- English
- German
Software Developers, Architects and Deployment Engineers.
Docker and Container basic knowledge.
To learn Docker Compose for multi-container application environment.
- Docker Introduction
- What is Docker?
- Why Docker?
- Containers
- Containers vs Virtual Machines
- Containerization Fundamentals
- Docker Architecture
- The Docker Daemon
- The Docker Client
- Docker Registries
- Docker Objects
- Images
- Containers
- Services
- Docker Usage and Features
- Install and Setup Docker Compose
- Using Docker Compose Command Line Interface
- Working with Docker Compose
- Understanding and Working with Docker Compose Basics
- Integrating with Wordpress Container
- Working with Docker Networks in Compose
- Using Composes Default Network
- Isolating Containers Using Multiple Networks
- Working with Aliases and Container Names
- Exploring How Docker Links Work in Compose
- Using External Networks
- Understanding and Working with Docker Compose Basics
- Using Docker Volumes in Compose
- Simple Volumes
- Named Volumes
- Fine-Grained Volume Configuration
- Logging
- Configuring Logging Drivers for Containers in Your Compose Environment
- Forwarding Logs to Remote Syslog Service
- CLI Compose
- Using and Working with CLI Compose
- Working with the File Argument on the Compose CLI
- Compose File Reference
- Handling the Default Override File on Compose
- Extend Services in Compose
- Using Compose in Production
- Example Demonstration