Training: Agile and DevOps Overview for Business
Duration: 2 Days
Contact: Siddhesh Nikude
Inquire via E-Mail
Phone: +91-95-52572354
Available Languages
- English
Everyone who is steering or involved in software delivery: Business, Management, Operations, Development, for example: CxOs, managers, directors, team leads, systems administrators, development managers, business analysts, requirements engineers, architects, product owners, scrum masters, IT operations staff, IT stakeholders, developers, testers
Agile and DevOps are the big drivers of organizational transformation today. What do they mean? Where do they come from? What are their goals? How can they help my organization and my team? How can I use and implement them? And are there any side-effects or challenges to consider? Learn the answers to these questions in a holistic perspective from the CxO level to the code about what Agile and DevOps mean for organizations of all sizes.
- Business Case for Improving the Software Development Life Cycle
- Evolution of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Business Drivers of the SDLC Evolution
- Principles of Agile, DevOps, Extreme Programming (XP), and Software Craft
- Goals and Objectives of Agile, DevOps (Development Operations), XP, and Software Craft
- The Pipeline for Value Delivery
- Essential Principles
- Manifesto for Agile Software Development ("Agile Manifesto")
- The Values and Principles of XP
- Manifesto of Software Craft
- The Two Values of Software
- The Deming (PDCA, plan-do-check-act) Cycle
- The XP Feedback Loops
- Parkinson's Law and Timeboxing
- Conway's Law, Organizational Structure and Cross-functional responsibility
- KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and Drivers: Story-Point Velocity, Cycle Time, WIP (Work In Progress) limit
- Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle of Agile Estimation
- Transformation
- Challenges of Top-Down Transformation
- Challenges of Bottom-Up Transformation
- The Role of Culture
- Matrix vs Project Organization
- Transformation challenges, planning, and steps
- Transformation KPIs
- Iterations (Sprints)
- Vision
- Roadmaps
- Work/Requirements Breakdown: Epics, Features, Stories, Tasks
- Backlogs, Backlog Emergence, Maintenance, and Refinement (Grooming)
- Planning and Estimation
- Reviews/Demos: Are we doing the right thing?
- Retrospectives: Are we doing the thing right?
- Tracking KPIs: Velocity and Cycle Time
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Artifacts and Process: What is there to own
- Ownership: Who owns what
- Change Management
- Operations
- Application Owners
- Product Owners
- Scrum Masters
- Development Team
- Executive Sponsors
- System Administrators
- What happens to…? Architects, Product Managers, Project Managers, Testers? Silos? Synergy and Alignment?
- Infrastructure
- Support for iterative and incremental work
- Agile Ops
- Cross-Team Retrospectives
- Infrastructure Goals
- Aligning infrastructure goals with application and business goals
- Cloud technology and components for fast software delivery
- Agile development and infrastructure tools
- Continuous All The Things
- Continuous Feedback
- Continuous Planning
- Continuous Testing, TDD (Test-Driven Development), BDD (Behavior Driven Development), ATDD (Acceptance Test-Driven Development)
- Continuous Refactoring, Continuous Design Improvement
- Continuous Integration, Continuous Release, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment
- Continuous Improvement
- Kaizen
- Deming (PDCA) cycle
- XP Feedback Loops
- Aligning KPIs and organizational goals across teams and departments
- Incremental and Iterative Improvement
- Smells, signs of success and failure
- Kanban
- Visual Workspaces
- Limiting WIP
- Pull vs Push: Velocity by suction vs velocity by pressure
- Queues and Buffers
- Bottlenecks
- Blockers
- Identifying and Fixing Process Smells
- Lean: Eliminating Waste
- YAGNI - You Ain't Gonna Need It
- Overproduction
- Utilization
- Theory of Constraints
- Queueing Theory
- Inventory, Stock, Unused Assets
- Defects
- Scaling
- Scrum of Scrums
- Organizational Kanban
- Benefits and risks of Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
- The true secret to scaling: Scalable software architecture
- Implementation
- Transformation Planning
- Roadmaps, Goals, KPIs
- Implementation Steps
- Limits
- Case Study: Agile, DevOps, and Software Craft Transformation in an international bank