Training: Agile Architecture and Design
Duration: 5 Days
Contact: Siddhesh Nikude
Inquire via E-Mail
Phone: +91-95-52572354
- 2016-01-04, Pune, India
Available Languages
- English
Software Developers, especially principals, lead developers and architects; Software Craftsmen.
Experience in software development; good knowledge of a programming language.
Learn the latest technologies in Agile architecture and design for both, Embedded Software Development and Full-Stack Development.
- Process Fundamentals
- The Spiral Model, iterative and incremental
- Overview of Scrum and XP
- Conway's Law - why Process and Architecture go hand-in-hand
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery - Walking Skeleton and End-to-End
- The Design Smells: Rigidity, Fragility, Immobility and Viscosity
- The Two Values of Software
- Fundamentals of Object-Oriented and Object-Functional Programming
- Structured Programming
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Functional Programming
- Classes, Objects, Structures, Data Structures
- Functions / Procedures / Methods / Operations / Messages
- Visibility / Accessibility
- Encapsulation, Inner Classes, Inheritance
- Polymorphism, Higher-Order Functions, Closures, Lambda Expressions
- Agile Requirements Engineering
- User / Actor / Persona
- User Story, Use Case, UML Use Case Diagram
- Beyond User Stories: Epics, Goals, Features, Tasks
- UML Class Diagram
- Analysis vs Design
- The Gherkin Language and BDD
- Agile Testing
- Why Testing and Architecture cannot be separated
- TDD: The Three Laws of Test-Driven Development, Benefits, Red-Green-Refactor Cycle
- Behavior and State
- Mocking
- Agile Architecture
- Coupling and Cohesion
- Domain-Driven Design
- The SOLID and Package Principles
- UML: Class Diagram, Package Diagram, Composite Structure Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Profile Diagram, Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, State Machine Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Communication Diagram, Timing Diagram, Interaction Overview Diagram
- Patterns
- Design vs High-Level Design
- The
Gang of Four
Patterns, i.e. Template Method, Singleton, Abstract Factory - So-called "Architecture Patterns", i.e. Micro Kernel, Multi-Tier, Micro Services, Protocol Stack
Examples are in UML 2.5, C11, C++11 / C++14, Java 8 and other languages. The C/C++ compiler used is GCC 5.2.
- 2016-01-04, Pune, India (Exact days are: 2016-01-04 (Mon), 2016-01-05 (Tue), 2016-01-06 (Wed), 2016-01-09 (Sat), 2016-01-10 (Sun))