Training: Agile Crash Course
Duration: 1 Day
Contact: Siddhesh Nikude
Inquire via E-Mail
Phone: +91-95-52572354
- 2018-05-03, Mumbai, India
- 2018-05-03, Mumbai, India
- 2019-04-03, Chennai, India
Available Languages
- English
- German
Business Analysts, Developers, Product Owners, Project Managers, Requirements Engineers, Scrum Masters, Testers.
Understand Agile methods, especially Kanban, Scrum, and XP.
- Agile Overview
- Agile Principles
- Manifesto for Agile Software Development ("Agile Manifesto")
- History and Context of Agile
- Process Theory
- Scrum / XP Teams and Roles
- Scrum / XP Team
- Scrum Master / XP Coach
- Product Owner / Onsite Customer
- Team Philosophy (cross-functional, autonomous)
- Scrum / XP Ceremonies
- Backlog Refinement Meeting
- Planning Meeting
- Daily Standup Meeting
- Review / Demo
- Retrospective
- Retrospective Methods
- 5 Whys
- 6 Thinking Hats
- Ishikawa Diagram
- Agile Planning, Estimation, and Requirements Engineering
- User Stories
- Definition of Ready
- Definition of Done
- Product Backlog
- Sprint Backlog
- Scrum / XP Philosophy
- XP Values
- Fast Feedback
- XP practices
- 2018-05-03, Mumbai, India (In-House Training)
- 2018-05-03, Mumbai, India (In-House Training)
- 2019-04-03, Chennai, India (In-House Training)