Nelkinda provides first-class training for organizations and individuals to improve all aspects of the software development process. The goal is to improve the quality, productivity and performance in software development.
Nelkinda uses a holistic training approach. For example, if we train Java, we will not just train how to write Java code. But we train how to write good Java code with fewer bugs and higher maintainability, and provide pointers and links to related topics like programming paradigms, design patterns, software testing, principles of object oriented design, the software development process and so on.
Many of the training courses below are outlined for a specific programming language or tech stack. However, we can offer our training courses in a large variety of programming languages and tech stacks, from Ada to XSLT. Do not hesitate to contact us and ask us regarding your specific training needs.
Upcoming Training
Stay tuned for upcoming training!
Training Topics
The following list is an tiny excerpt of training which Nelkinda can perform.
- Advanced Java Programming
- Agile Architecture
- Agile Architecture and Design
- Agile Beyond Scrum
- Agile Crash Course
- Agile Retrospectives
- Agile Software Development
- Agile and DevOps Overview for Business
- Agile for Managers
- Ansible
- Appium
- Arduino
- Azure DevOps Crash Course
- BDD with Gherkin and Cucumber in Kotlin
- BDD with Gherkin and Cucumber in Kotlin Crash Course
- BDD with Gherkin and Cucumber-C++
- BDD with Gherkin and Cucumber-C++ Crash Course
- BDD with Gherkin and Cucumber-Java
- BDD with Gherkin and Cucumber-Java Crash Course
- BDD with Gherkin and Godog (Cucumber for Golang) in Go
- Basic Electronics Course
- Business Administration for Developers
- Business Analysis
- CSS3 - Cascading Style Sheets Level 3
- Clean Code
- Clean Code Basics Crash Course (Java)
- Clean Code TypeScript
- Clean Code and Test-Driven Development in Java
- Clean Code for Embedded
- Clean Code, TDD, BDD Crash Course (C#)
- Clean Code, TDD, BDD Crash Course (C++)
- Clean Code, TDD, BDD Crash Course (Go)
- Clean Code, TDD, BDD Crash Course (Java)
- Clean Code, TDD, BDD Crash Course (JavaScript)
- Clean Code, TDD, BDD Crash Course (Kotlin)
- Clean Code, TDD, BDD Crash Course (Scala)
- Coderetreat
- Coderetreat Facilitator Training
- Coderetreat Host Training
- Design Patterns in C# Crash Course
- Design Patterns in C++ Crash Course
- Design Patterns in Java Crash Course
- Design Patterns in Kotlin Crash Course
- DevOps Crash Course
- DevOps Overview
- DevOps in Java Crash Course
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Docker Swarm
- Domain-Driven Design in Java Crash Course
- Embedded IoT in Medical Space
- Extreme Programming
- GNU make
- Git
- Git Crash Course
- Google Cloud
- HTML5.2 and XHTML5.2
- Helm Charts
- IT-Security
- IoT - Internet of Things
- Java SE 17: Programming Complete
- Jenkins Crash Course
- Kubernetes
- Linux Kernel Programming
- Linux System Usage
- Machine Learning
- Maven Crash Course
- Microservices Architecture
- Mocking in Test-Driven Development in Java / JUnit with Mockito Crash Course
- Networking with TCP/IP
- ONIX Basics
- Principles of Object-Oriented Class Design (SOLID) C++ Crash Course
- Principles of Object-Oriented Class Design (SOLID) Java Crash Course
- Professional German I - Basics
- Programming in C#
- Programming in C++
- Programming in Go
- Programming in Java
- Programming in JavaScript
- Programming in PHP
- Programming in Python
- Puppet Base (Getting Started with Puppet)
- Redis
- Refactoring in Java
- Refactoring in Java Crash Course
- Scrum Mastery
- Secure Programming in C
- Secure Programming in C++
- Secure Programming in Java
- Selenium Course
- Selenium Java Crash Course
- Serverless Node.js
- Software Craft Overview
- Terraform
- Test-Driven Development for Embedded with AceUnit
- Test-Driven Development in C#
- Test-Driven Development in C# / NUnit Crash Course
- Test-Driven Development in C++ with Google Test Crash Course
- Test-Driven Development in Java
- Test-Driven Development in Java / JUnit Crash Course
- Test-Driven Development in Kotlin
- Test-Driven Development in Kotlin / JUnit Crash Course
- Test-Driven Development in Python
- Test-Driven Development in TypeScript
- Transformation Priority Premise in Java / JUnit Crash Course
- User Stories
- Working Effectively with Legacy C++ Code Crash Course
- Working Effectively with Legacy Java Code
- Working Effectively with Legacy Java Code Crash Course
Besides that, we also offer remote-training and face-to-face training and coaching of individuals over an extended period of time to boost your skills as software craftspeople. You will be given programming assignments, and one of our trainers will guide you through them and review your results.
Also watch this this space as we add more topics over time. Upcoming topics for which training programs are currently under development are: Docker, Groovy, Scala, Ruby, Python, C, Automation topics (GNU make, Ant, Maven, Gradle) and many more. So, watch this space!
So far, Nelkinda performed training courses in the following countries:
- Austria
- Canada
- Germany
- India
- Kenya
- Spain
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
Nelkinda experts are ready to give training courses in other countries as well. Contact us if you want our training and your country is not on the list.
Training Cancellation and Refund
The scheduled training may get cancelled either by Nelkinda or the participant. To know detailed information about Nelkinda policy regarding training cancellation and refund click the link, Training Cancellation and Refund Policy
For Germany, instead of the above, please ask us for our Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen.