Nelkinda ScrumRetreat

Nelkinda ScrumRetreat is a new format for full day development process learning events by Siddhesh Nikude from Nelkinda Software Craft Pvt Ltd. It evolved out of our experience with Training on Agile methods like Scrum and Extreme Programming and our experience with hosting and facilitating Coderetreats and other events.

ScrumRetreat is a day-long, intensive practice event, focusing on the fundamentals of software development, design and process. By providing developers, Scrum Masters and Product Owners the opportunity to take part in a focused practice, away from pressure of the normal work schedule, the ScrumRetreat format is designed to be a highly effective means of team skill and process improvement. Practicing the basic principles of Agile software development, individuals and teams can improve their ability to implement features.

― Christian Hujer, developed from the definition of Coderetreat by Corey Haynes and an idea by Siddhesh Nikude


09:0030 mins09:30Introduction
09:3090 mins11:00Sprint 1
11:0015 mins11:15Break
11:1590 mins12:45Sprint 2
12:4560 mins13:45Lunch Break
13:4590 mins15:15Sprint 3
15:1515 mins15:30Break
15:3090 mins17:00Sprint 4
17:0015 mins17:15Close-Up


Are there any prerequisites for joining this ScrumRetreat?
If you join a ScrumRetreat as developer, it is not mandatory but recommended that you've joined a coderetreat before. If you join a ScrumRetreat as Scrum Master or Product Owner only, we need to check because we need balanced teams.
What programming language / tech stack will be used?
You can use any programming language or tech stack you like. Typical choices for programming languages include Java, C++, JavaScript / Node.js, Groovy, Python, Scala and Clojure. For tech stacks these days people like using Spring, Play, Android and alike, or if more traditional, Swing or Qt. If you like, you can also use more exotic languages and tech stacks. The only limitation is that your team needs to agree on a tech stack. Note: If you use a tech stack which is not available free of cost, you will have to take care of licensing yourself.
Do I have to bring my own laptop?
You should bring your own laptop. If you cannot bring your own laptop, please contact us, we have a few spare workstations to help out. Ideally your Laptop runs Unix (like Mac OS X or Linux), not Windows.
What's the lunch?
Not decided yet, we'll see :)
Do I have to pay for breakfast / lunch / tea break?
No, this is included in the fee. If you managed to get one of those rare free seats, this means that breakfast, lunch and tea break are also free of charge.
I have already attended previous ScrumRetreats. Can I attend again?
Oh yes you can! And you should! ScrumRetreats are like katas, they are to be repeated.
I'm a student. Can I still join?
Of course you can! Whether you're an experienced engineer or a student doesn't matter, as long as you know fundamentals of programming and love programming.
I want to attend as a Scrum Master or Product Owner. Is this possible?
In principle yes. However check with us as seats for these roles are limited. We need balanced teams so that participants get the most out of this event. While defining and defending the work and the process are important, like real life this event only works when there's also people getting the work done.