LaTeX Cheat Sheet
Since 3 decades, LaTeX is the state of the art typesetting system for professional publishing. Its fonts are of unmatched beauty, and its features leave nothing to be desired. I use LaTeX for more than 2 decades now. This cheat sheet gets you jump started for more than 80% of what is needed for a professional publication.
- Author:
- Christian Hujer, Software Crafter and CEO / CTO of Nelkinda Software Craft Private Limited
- First Published:
- by Nelkinda Software Craft Private Limited
- Last Modified:
- by Christian Hujer
- Approximate reading time:
1 Introduction
I have high standards when it comes to documentation and publishing. Something worth doing is worth doing properly. This applies to multiple levels. I want nice fonts and nice layout because that makes reading easier. But I also want other features, such as lots of cross-references of different kinds, to make handling technical books easier. A full-text search doesn't always cut it, and a full-text search is also slower than designed, built-in hyperlinks. The cheat sheet in this article provides nothing less than:
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- List of Figures, Tables, and Listings
- Bibliography
- Frontmatter with roman page numbers, for preface and foreword
- Multiple parts to group chapters
- Chapters (obviously), with epigraphs
- Appendix
- Backmatter with acronyms, glossary, and index
- Output as PDF, with Hyperlinks
2 Basic Document Structure
I've published the basic document structure as a GitHub Template nelkinda/template-latex-book
.ONESHELL: SHELL:=/bin/bash book.pdf: book.tex data/*.tex chapters/*.tex data/book.bib -pdflatex $< -bibtex book.aux -makeindex book -makeglossaries book -pdflatex $< -makeindex book -makeglossaries book pdflatex $< .PHONY: clean clean:: $(RM) {,*/}*.{aux,dvi,log,bbl,blg,lof,lol,lot,toc,idx,ilg,ind,out,ist,glo,acn,acr,alg,glg,gls} .PHONY: distclean distclean:: clean $(RM) *.pdf
\documentclass{memoir} \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage[acronym,toc]{glossaries} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{todonotes} \include{data/acronyms} \include{data/glossary} \makeindex \makeglossaries \title{Title of the Book} \date{2018-05-09} \author{Christian Hujer} \stockaiv \begin{document} \frontmatter \pagenumbering{roman} \maketitle \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage \listoffigures \newpage \listoftables \newpage \lstlistoflistings \include{chapters/preface} \mainmatter \part{Introduction} \include{chapters/part1/chapter1} \include{chapters/part1/chapter2} \part{Integration} \include{chapters/part2/chapter3} \include{chapters/part2/chapter4} \appendix \include{chapters/appendix1} \include{chapters/appendix2} \backmatter \printglossary[type=\acronymtype] \printglossary \bibliographystile{ieeetr} \bibliography{data/book} \printindex \end{document}
3 Acronyms
\usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage[acronym,toc]{glossaries} \include{data/acronyms} \makeglossaries \printglossary[type=\acronymtype]
\newacronym{acronym:GNU}{GNU}{GNU is Not Unix}
4 Glossary
\usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage[acronym,toc]{glossaries} \include{data/glossary} \makeglossaries \printglossary
\newglossaryentry{agile} { name=agile, description={ A style of organizing software development described by the Agile Manifesto. } }
5 Unordered List (<ul/>
\begin{itemize} \item Item 1 \item Item 2 \end{itemize}
6 Ordered List (<ol/>
\begin{enumerate} \item Item 1 \item Item 2 \end{enumerate}
7 Index
book.pdf: book.tex -pdflatex $< -makeindex book pdflatex $<
\usepackage{makeidx} \makeindex \printindex
\index{Ritchie, Dennis M.}Dennis M. Ritchie
\index{Hello, World!make}Hello, World in make
\index{Hello, World!C}Hello, World in C
The \index{}
tag should be before the text that is to be indexed.
The expression that is to be indexed may be subject to a page break. The index page should be the first of the two pages of a broken expression. Therefore, the reference should be to the start of the expression. To achieve that, the \index{}
tag should be before the text that is to be indexed.
8 Listings
\usepackage{listings} \lstlistoflistings
\lstinputlisting[caption={Hello, World!\index{Hello, World!C} in C}, label={lst:hello.c}]{src/hello.c}
8.1 #
in the path
I have the special situation that my paths contain the #
-symbol, for example, src/C#/hello.cs
. Here's how I got this to work in the listings package.
In the preamble, add the following command:
A corresponding \stinputlisting
could then look like this:
\subsection{false in C\#} \lstinputlisting[caption={\index{false!C\#}false program in C\#}, label={lst:false.cs}]{src/C\hashchar/false.cs}
I found the solution to this problem by asking a question on the TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange [SO].
9 Epigraphs
\chapter{Introduction to C} \epigraph{``C is quirky, flawed, and an enormous success.''}{\em Dennis M. Ritchie\index{Ritchie, Dennis M.}\em}
\chapter{Text Editors} \epigraph{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{gfx/real_programmers}}{xkcd}
10 Bibliography
@book{latexcompanion, author = "Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin", title = "The \LaTeX\ Companion", year = "1993", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts" }
\backmatter \printglossary[type=\acronymtype] \printglossary \bibliographystyle{ieeetr} \bibliography{data/book}
The \LaTeX\ Companion\cite{latexcompanion}
Multiple authors are separated with and
11 Miscellaneous
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